


http://polesoft.narod.ru/ Группа специализируется на разработке сетевых бухгалтерских и информационно-поисковых систем с использованием технологии "клиент-сервер", создании web-страниц, а также оказывает консультационные услуги по автоматизации бухгалтерского учета предприятий и организаций. Здесь Вы найдете описание наших программ и некоторые из них можете скачать себе. 
Polaris Software для Разработчиков
http://www.delphi.pari.bg/ Home page of KADao and KADao Deluxe Components.
Kiril Antonov's Delphi Warrior Site
http://delphi-jedi.org/ Project JEDI is an international community of Delphi developers with a mission to exploit our pooled efforts, experiences and resources to make Delphi and Kylix - the greatest Windows and Linux application development tools - even greater.
Project JEDI - Home
ABF software, Inc.
Bluecave Software © 2002
http://www.eldos.org/elpack/elpack.html ElPack is a collection of more than 80 native VCL (over 20 native CLX) components for everyday work, that extend functionality of VCL/CLX controls, and also introduce lots of new features and customizable look-and-feel.
ElPack - unique components for Delphi, C++Builder and Kylix
http://www.cyrenesoft.com/comp.htm Genesis is made up of a collection of components that we are proud of. We designed the collection for you, the Delphi or CBuilder programmer. The components in Genesis speak for themselves. The following list contains the components and what they do.
LMD Innovative Online
Evgeny Kryukov Software
SohoLib Pro
Baldemaier´s Place


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